Wings Of Freedom

Don't you just wish you could grow some wings and just fly away from all this? Brittany-Savage takes a defiant step toward freedom, by freeing herself from her clothes.

Birds don't have borders. Borders which are just arbitrary lines drawn on a map. One set of rules here, another set over there, over that imaginary line. Removing your clothes in a world where clothes are mandatory (funny how that word "manditory" is used more and more often these days as your rights are stripped away), is an act of defiance.

Nudity is a defiant act in a world of clothes. Clothes which are used to brand you (clothes brands), which pigeon hole you into whatever “uniform” they give you. No wonder why in this day and age of censorship, nudity is an act of defiance. Don't want others to know that you don't have to follow their rules. We, by now, all know who “they” are.

Wings of freedom is a powerful message. It says that every right and freedom we used to enjoy, was hard fought for by our ancestors. They bled and died for your rights. Nothing was ever given freely. It all had to be taken. This generation is happily pissing away those freedoms just so they can keep their trinkets, their access to tik toc and the latest i-phone. Our ancestors would have slapped them in their face for such stupidity, and be dammed if that offended someone. How many people today would be willing to make those same sacrifices our ancestors made to keep their freedom?

Freedom, privacy and our time are some of the most important values (“commodities”), yet we treat them with utter contempt and often squander it. Will you stand up and say no to tyranny, or will you happily sell out your neighbour for a pat on the head and an increase in your social credit score? Brittany-Savage will stand and face the world nude with her wings of freedom. Both figuratively and literally if need be. What will you do as we head into an uncertain future?

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